I had a task: there is a table of posts Post with dynamic ordering based on user's input (newest first, by views count, etc.). I need to add button Next and Previous button on each posts' page. Ordering must be preserved between list view and serfing between posts.
How to setup secure remote storage from cloud storage (guide)
I thought about secure encrypted file storage for a long time. Most cloud providers doesn't encrypt file, so that means your files are not only yours but provider's too. Some providers which states they store files encrypted (like Mega) have …
Functions in programming can be splitted into two categories:
1. Partial function - there is at least one combination of arguments that has no defined result. Usually it leads to undefined behaviour or raised exception
# What if `raw_number` cannot be parsed to integer? ValueError will be raised …
That the difference between parsing and validation? Well, let's give definitions for both of them.
- Parsing - converting some less structural data to some more structures. For example, converting str to int or json via json.loads it a parsing, not every string can be converted to them …
At first, let me remind what pre-commit is.
pre-commit is a tool to manage git hooks inside your projects, package them and import them from other sources. Also it make very convinient to manage them using it's declarative YAML configuration.